Firstly, I’m sending you the biggest e-squeeze possible. I totally know the feeling and it can feel so daunting and overwhelming. I want to share with you some things that helped me in hopes that I can help you.
Find someone to talk to. They might not be able to provide solutions but even just an earn to listen will help you immensely. The brain struggles to process information when it’s just kept as a thought. Did you know that? So the longer you keep the thoughts to yourself, the longer you will feel this way! If you don’t know who to speak to, drop me a DM here, I’m always happy to chat!
When we feel lost, it’s so easy to lose purpose. Write down a list of everything that makes you happy and factor in at least two of those things a day. It can be as small or as big as you want, but making time for happiness is so important.
The internet can be a freaky place, especially when you aren’t mentally and emotionally feeling great. It’s so important to make sure you are reading and listening to the good stuff that’s going to help you grow. Take a read here to see our suggested podcast & books.
You are the reason someone smiles and no matter how you are feeling, you are loved. Always. No matter what.
If you haven’t done this before, check it out here. It’s the perfect exercise to highlight which areas of your life need nourishment.
Journalling helps you process your thoughts in two ways, by physically writing it down on paper and then by your visual sense reading it back. This allows your brain to process your thoughts in two additional ways which is super powerful to help you understand things differently. Bonus points if you read your journal out loud (to yourself if you must). Getting it all out on paper is such great therapy!
Writing down what you are grateful for no matter how small will force your brain to look for the good in your life. I am grateful for the roof over my head, my cosy bed, hot running water, my opportunities, my amazing body which keeps me alive, my hairdresser, seeing my parents names on my call list. Etc!!! The list really is endless, make this part of your daily routine.
Getting a coach was one of the best investments I have ever made. A coach is someone who will believe in you before you have even had chance to speak. They will magnify your strengths, ignore your BS and guide you to success within any and all aspects of life. If you want to find out more about my coaching, click here to arrange a call.
Looking back and celebrating the wins is so important. It’s so easy to feel stuck with where we are but simply reflecting on the past and everything you have achieved will instantly give you perspective. You’re amazing, stop forgetting about that!
I am on a journey of abundance, happiness, calmness and success. I attract everything I desire and I know I will achieve all my dreams.
(repeat again and again until you believe it!)
I really hope this helps, please get in touch here if I can help you with anything.
Make your mind your greatest asset and create lasting happiness from within, with Nikki at Mind Health School.
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