Self Love 🤝🏼 Neuroscience

Build an unconditional & unbreakable relationship with yourself, so you Never Go Another Day Without Feeling Loved Or Enough.

Transform Your Relationship With Yourself in 30 Days 💞

Easy Step by Step Processes & Exercises

Transform Your Relationship
With Yourself 💕

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✨ You won't need another self love course after this ✨

The relationship you have with yourself effects the rest.

What you believe about yourself matters... a lot.

If you see yourself as 😔 un-worthy, un- loveable, limited or not good enough 😔 you will be sub-consciously attracting in others who see you in this energy too.

If you see yourself as 💞 limitless, worthy, loved, important, enough and whole 💞 you will be consciously looking for someone else to match this energy & mindset too.

This is why your relationship with YOURSELF matters more than anything else because YOU set the standard for what you energy you choose to let it.

Here's something you should know:

1️⃣ If you have a negative perception of yourself, you can change it.

2️⃣ When your perception of yourself improves, so does the standards of your relationships.

Are the relationships you currently have to the standard that you want?

Is the relationship that you have with yourself to the standard that you want?

It’s time to raise the standards of self love.

This Is For You If:

💖 You're going through a break up & you feel like you've lost yourself

💖 You recognise that you attract partners that don't respect you & you always look at others and think ‘I wish I had that’

💖 You want healthy relationships but you don’t know where you go wrong

💖 You want to raise the standards you hold yourself to, but you don't know where to start

💖 You want to learn how to be your own best friend and biggest support system.

And You Want to Become a Person Who:

💖 Finds validation from within (99% of the time)

💖 Doesn't chase, only attracts

💖 Standards only rise, they never reduce

💖 Is accepting of your own messiness & love yourself for it

💖 Societal norms mean NOTHING to you, cause you’re in your own lane

💖 Knows what she whats & you don’t doubt yourself for a second


Apply All The Teachings Within The Self Love Bundle And You Will:

✔️ Master the voice inside your head (aka the empowerment mindset) so you can navigate any challenge feeling aligned and connected to your wants + desires. (This is absolute GOLD 💰).

✔️ Learn self forgiveness from your biggest & most regrettable mistakes. I don't care how ‘bad’ these are... it's time to let go babes. Acceptance of ALL of you is the only way to move forward.

✔️ Elevated standards of relationships you attract and know how to set the tone for how to be treated.

✔️ Elevated self perception including the way you view your physical body, and how to feel fully at home in your skin.

What's Included In The Bundle?

The Self Love Bundle Includes 3 Game Changing Products:

1. Love YOU More - Self Love Online Course

7 Jam Packed Modules covering all aspects of Self Love, Plus Exercises and Theories to implement immediately, to strengthen your neural pathways and transform the way you see yourself. This course has helped hundreds of students transform their thinking and enhance their self love to new heights 💘.

(Approximately 7-8 hours of learning, not including homework + exercises).

2.111 Journalling Questions

These questions are designed to help you reconnect with yourself more than EVER before, whilst navigating the ups and downs of life. These questions act like having in-built life coach, available 24/7.

Allow yourself time to go deeper and watch yourself find the answers and clarity you have been searching for.

3. 30 Day Self Worth Booster Journal

The journal is a way to keep track of your growth, whilst also encouraging ways to increase your self-awareness, mindfulness and self-kindness. It's designed to help you significantly improve self-worth and with that, quality of life.

Become your own bestie & go deeper into who you are with these prompts.

Self Love Is Living A Life Where:

💘 The voice inside your mind has your back 100% of the time, even (and especially) when you mess up / make mistakes.

💘 You know how to be accountable for your actions whilst simultaneously forgiving yourself for your humanness + mistakes.

💘 You hold yourself to high standards because you know your worth & you refuse to settle.

💘 You look in the mirror and feel a deep connection with your reflection. Your body is your home & your safest and favourite place to be.

Your relationship with yourself gets to be bulletproof. It gets to be deeper than the earth, unconditional & unbreakable. You GET to be your own best friend.

is for you if you're looking to:


Self Forgiveness + Acceptance


Improving Self Perception


Setting The Standards In Relationships


Improve The Relationship

With Your Body


Re-Programming Your Mind With Loving Thoughts

When your self love is un-wavering, the way you hold yourself changes.

You will begin to attract others who see you the same way you see yourself.

Start a new era of self love today at unbeatable value. 💰

huge $$ savings for a limited time! ⏳

✔️ Love You More - The Ultimate Self Love Course (7 Modules including step by steps + homework exercises) $599

✔️ 111 Journalling Questions to be help you get to know yourself deeper $39

✔️ 30 Day Self Worth Journal full of prompts & places to track your progress $39

total value = ($677)

Get access today for $677 ONLY $97 savings of at least $580

Here are Some juicy 🧃 things you should know about me:

I've been in the self growth game for 10 years so you could say I know what I'm talking about.

Over this time I've invested A LOT of time, money and energy into learning everything about my inner world.

In my late teens / early 20's I was anxious, avoidant, closed off & completely unaware of it all 😂. I just thought this was how I was meant to feel, this is how life was. Until I picked up The Secret (IYKYK 😉) & in that moment, life changed for good.

I worked with my first coaching client 6 years ago, and since then I made it my mission to share my knowledge with as many people as possible. Now, I run a 6 fig coaching business with clients in every corner of the world 🌏. My job is SO cool!

Self Love Is My Jam - So You're In Good Hands Honey ✨💞

I swear by everything I share with you because these are the exact tools I personally used to transform my own life & help hundreds of others do the same.

You're next!

You may be wondering...

Our Frequently asked questions

You may be wondering...

Our Frequently asked questions

I've already listened to a lot of self development stuff... will this help?

Yep! The way Nikki teaches is very different to a lot of other 'self help' fluff. Nikki will give you science backed, practical ways to elevate your self worth, confidence, self love + self acceptance.

What is Nikki qualified in?

Nikki is a certified Trauma Support Specialist, NLP Practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Life Coach, Time Line Therapist, Health Coach, Nutrition Advisor, Mental Health First Aider. As well as having 10 years personal experience in the self growth game herself!

I have trauma, is this a good fit?

YES! Nikki is a trauma informed coach, and she deeply cares about your inner state. She understands how to work with the nervous system and how to help you manage your internal state so you can heal & feel in complete control of your mind whilst you grow.

I'm completely new to self love... will this work?

Yep! This is perfect for beginners and every other level.

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